Adding Domain In Hosting

If you are just starting out this gude is for you. Simple but detailed!


Adding New Domain In Your Existing Hosting cPanel


You have to perform 2 steps

1- Add your hosting nameservers in your domain

2- Add your domain in your cPanel


Note: .PK Domain nameservers can’t be managed by User end you have to request us we will add your


 nameservers in your .PK Domain

1- Log in to your TheBeeHost Client area


2- Click on Domain Section



3- Go to domain settings



4- Click “Nameservers” Option



5- Add your nameservers here


(Must enable “Use custom nameservers (enter below)” option )



and Save It.



6- Now go to your cPanel and Find Addon Domain Option and Open it.



7- Now add your domain here.


(Add your domain in the first box and leave the second subdomain box as it is then click  “Add



 Domain” Button.


8 – Congratulation. You are Done.